First class: $8
Normal fee per class: $13
Smiley Building: Durango, CO
Saturday's 12:15 - 1:15 from February 15th - March 29rd
A choreographed class that merges yoga flows and tik-tok style dances to some of Taylor’s best songs. We will travel through lots of Eras and fully embrace each song’s emotion & vibe. My goal is to build your confidence and embrace your feminine side through some of Taylor’s most epic poses, power walks and signature moves.
PSA: I am NOT a professional dancer or yoga teacher by any means. I'm just a mom in her 30's that has always had a love of dance and music that inspires and celebrates feminine power. I don't know about you but the winter is dark and long, the Era's Tour is over and I just need to create some joy! Soooooo - tap back into that 8 year old kid that used to sing and dance their heart out in his/her/their room and join me for a few Saturdays of being young at heart - while also shaking our butts and showing off our sexy side (Must be 18+ to join for this reason).
You do NOT have to have experience to join. These are choreographed songs but they are intended for beginners. They can also be amplified for those that know how to groove and shake their hips! The moves are what you give it - the more sass and attitude, the more of a workout, but you can also come and just have fun!
Each week we will build on what we've previously learned but we will also recap and go at the pace of the class. I have a lineup of songs/dances that I've created and hopefully we will get to them all! I have some surprises with props and I just can't wait to see what we create and where it brings us!
Playlist (in order):
"New Romantics" (Stretching, warm up but with sassy Era's Tour moves)
"Cruel Summer" (Yoga flows and dramatic chorus/bridge choreo - duhhh, obviously!)
"Style" (Tapping into our Victoria Secret Runway Show with sassy walks and a prop to help bring out the diva in all of us)
"You Need to Calm Down" (What I hope to one day become a Flash Mob dance)
"False God" (Slow, sexy and working on that booty)
"Ricochette" (breathe work, cool down, dramatic bridge chores from Era's Tour)
I hope to see you there!
Info: IG @belleandthebeardesign